Irish folklore says that the doors in Dublin homes were painted in bright colors so that drunk Irishmen could find their own home after a night of many pints. Apparently there had been a slew of “stranger in my bed” incidents, which led to the pretty painted doors. Even if the story is complete rubbish, I’ve loved antique door hardware and keyhole covers ever since. So, I decided to use them to create some entryway wall decor for our foyer.Read more ›
Decorating the Entryway with Keyhole Covers

Categorized: Create · Tagged: architectural salvage, architectural salvage project, cabinet door, cabinet door craft, cabinet door project, displaying architectural salvage, displaying hardware, displaying salvaged hardware, Habitat ReStore, hardware, repurpose, repurpose cabinet door, repurpose hardware, repurpose key plate, repurpose keyplate, reuse hardware, salvage, salvaged hardware, salvaged wood, upcycle, upcycle cabinet door, upcycle hardware, vintage, vintage repurpose, vintage upcycle, wall art, wall decor