Painted Projects and Thrift Store Upcycles

Painted Projects and Thrift Store Upcycles

When it comes to upcycling, paint can be a miraculous tool, capable of unbelievable transformations. Of course, not everything needs to be painted- that goes without saying. But if you need some repurposing inspiration before your next trip to the thrift store, these painted projects might be just what you’ve been looking for.Read more ›

Winter Wreaths to Make and Upcycle

Winter Wreaths to Make and Upcycle

If your front door is looking a little empty and lonely now that the holidays are over, have no fear. Because there are a lot of wonderful DIY and upcycle ideas out there for winter wreaths. From repurposing hats and gloves, to celebrating the serenity of glistening snow on trees, there’s a winter wreath craft out there for everyone.Read more ›

Valentine Craft Ideas and Upcycle Projects

Valentine Craft Ideas and Upcycle Projects

Admittedly, I’m not a big decorator when it comes to Valentine’s Day. But then again, all the reds and pinks are a fun shot of colorful adrenaline to our homes after several weeks of winter. Either way, if you’re looking for some Valentine craft ideas to make and upcycle this year, then I’ve got all your inspiration right here.Read more ›

Quirky Fiber Craft Ideas

Quirky Fiber Craft Ideas

While traditional forms of fiber craft (such as weaving and embroidery) have made a comeback over the past few years, modern makers are exploring new and unusual applications of weaving and stitching. Here are some curious forms of fiber craft that blend upcycling with simple weaving techniques and basic stitches that you may want to try.Read more ›

Winter Door Wreath with Vintage Cookie Cutters

Winter Door Wreath with Vintage Cookie Cutters

Years ago, I made a winter door wreath by upcycling a plain Christmas wreath. It got lost or donated somewhere between then and now and I was feeling the urge to create a new one. It would, of course, be wintery, but have a somewhat different look.

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January Decorating Ideas for Your Home

January Decorating Ideas for Your Home

Once the holidays are over and the festive decorations are stored away, your home can feel a little…empty. A little bland and cheerless- all while the world outside looks cold and grey. Thankfully, there are a lot of January decorating ideas and projects you can make to celebrate the quiet winter season. Here are some upcycling and DIY ideas to turn your home into a cozy winter sanctuary to enjoy until Spring starts to bloom.Read more ›

Self-Care Ideas and Projects for Relaxation

Self-Care Ideas and Projects for Relaxation

As much as I love the idea of going to a spa, I rarely do it. Maybe it’s because I cringe at the cost or because I’m not a fan of wearing a robe in public. Either way, I’m more inclined to create a spa-like atmosphere at home. This means that DIY self-care ideas like these are right up my alley.Read more ›

Upcycling and Decorating with Scarves

Upcycling and Decorating with Scarves

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a big fan of scarves. Wearing them…trying new knots…and even upcycling them into projects. From winter scarves to silky/flowy versions, I’ve amassed quite a personal collection. And every time I step into the thrift store, I see loads of them for sale- including bandanas and handkerchiefs. So, if you’ve got a few that you no longer wear but want to use them in alternative ways, then this collection of inspiring ideas is exactly what you need.Read more ›

Flannel Craft with Wooden Salad Bowls

Flannel Craft with Wooden Salad Bowls

Years ago, I found a great set of wooden salad bowls at Goodwill. The set included a large mixing bowl, and three individual bowls. So, I suspect something happened to the missing fourth bowl and that’s why the set ended up at the thrift…Read more ›

Icicle Ornaments with Vintage Glass Beads

Icicle Ornaments with Vintage Glass Beads

Years and years ago, I made a set of icicle ornaments with some vintage glass beads that I’d gotten on Etsy. But for whatever reason, I never posted the tutorial here on my website! So, I got them out of storage with the rest of my Christmas decor this year…took some fresh photos…and am FINALLY adding the project to my blog today.Read more ›