Back when I made my Aromatherapy Eye Pillows from vintage scarves, I had mentioned that my good friend, Kate DiNatale Vintage, had given me a bag of vintage scarves that she couldn’t sell. As I pawed through them, I noticed that some of them reminded me of faux stained glass. So, I decided to upcycle them into DIY suncatchers for windows that I hoped would stop birds from flying into our windows.Read more ›
DIY Suncatchers from Vintage Scarves

Categorized: Create · Tagged: bird, bird deterrent, bird detractor, bird project, DIY sun catcher, DIY sun catchers, DIY suncatcher, DIY suncatchers, embroidery hoop, embroidery hoop project, embroidery hoop repurpose, embroidery hoop upcycle, How to repurpose a scarf, How to upcycle a scarf, scarf, scarf craft, scarf project, scarves, sun catcher, sun catchers, suncatcher, suncatchers, vintage scarf, vintage scarves