Most thrift stores are positively littered with the remnants of wedding registries from days gone by. In particular, stacks of silver plate (not to be confused with stamped sterling silver) are a pretty common sight at secondhand shops. Trays, platters, bread baskets, pitchers- there are just scads of it available at thrift shops, varying in price and quality. Thankfully, today’s crafters are finding fresh ways to repurpose those silver-plated items into new and exciting projects.Read more ›
Spoon Jewelry with Vintage Cameos
October 9, 2014 · By · 64 Comments

Once upon a time, I was on one of my junkin’ journeys when I came across an amazing selection of vintage cameos. They were “new old stock”, meaning they had never been used and were begging to be used in a jewelry project. Read more ›