Quick and Easy Fabric Crafts with an Upcycled Twist

Quick and Easy Fabric Crafts with an Upcycled Twist

Whether you sew or not, fabric crafts are a favorite creative pastime for many crafters. There are so many inexpensive sources of fabric, too- the remnants bin at a fabric shop, the linens rack at a thrift store, or even old clothing from your very own closet. So, if you’re looking for some new crafty inspiration, then this collection of upcycled fabric crafts will have you reimagining all your scraps and yardage into unique and clever projects.

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30+ Upcycling Projects for Vintage Linens

30+ Upcycling Projects for Vintage Linens

Vintage linens such as vintage tablecloths, sheets, and pillowcases are dangerously easy to collect and full of upcycling possibilities. While other vintage items have become more and more scarce at thrift stores, old linens can still be found fairly easily.Read more ›