Whether you sew or not, fabric crafts are a favorite creative pastime for many crafters. There are so many inexpensive sources of fabric, too- the remnants bin at a fabric shop, the linens rack at a thrift store, or even old clothing from your very own closet. So, if you’re looking for some new crafty inspiration, then this collection of upcycled fabric crafts will have you reimagining all your scraps and yardage into unique and clever projects.
Craft Ideas with Vintage Fabric

Vintage fabric and linens are such a great source of material for anyone who enjoys fabric crafts. Whether you sew a lot or a little, there are lots of projects that put those retro linens to terrific reuse. And if you’re lucky enough to find a pretty bed sheet at the thrift store, then you’ll get a lot of yardage for very little cost. So, if you’ve been looking for some upcycle inspiration for tea towels, bed sheets, and other vintage fabric, then this collection is just what you’ve been waiting for.Read more ›
30+ Upcycling Projects for Vintage Linens

Vintage linens such as vintage tablecloths, sheets, and pillowcases are dangerously easy to collect and full of upcycling possibilities. While other vintage items have become more and more scarce at thrift stores, old linens can still be found fairly easily.Read more ›
Berry Baskets as Bookends and Strawberry Decor

To tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure why I picked up these berry baskets while thrifting a while back. I didn’t have a project idea in mind and the thrift store had written the price on the side of one of the baskets (the horror!). BUT, I decided they were worth the risk and eventually an upcycling idea came to me: I’d transform them into bookends!Read more ›
Fashion Wall Art with Vintage Sewing Patterns

Whenever I’m in a thrift store and I see a box or bin full of vintage sewing patterns, I can’t help but paw through them. Usually, I find regrettable patterns for 1980s-era garb. But every now and again, I find wonderful vintage dress patterns that would be perfect for upcycling into fashion wall art. Read more ›
How to Make a Half Apron from a Vintage Pillowcase

Vintage aprons are so pretty and I know a lot of folks that collect them. However, I rarely cook while wearing something that is worthy of protecting. But I had an idea for a more utilitarian apron, like a half apron that servers at restaurants wear. And it would use a couple of typical things I’d find at a thrift store: a vintage pillowcase and a ribbon belt.
Fabric Bracelets from a Vintage Sheet

As a general rule, bangles don’t usually fit me very well. My wrists are, quite literally, the only dainty part of my body. Which means, the average bangle bracelet just won’t stay on. I took a chance and tried on these plastic bangles from the thrift store and was blown away at how well they fit! I didn’t care much for their appearance, but I knew I could transform them into fabric bracelets that would look more my style.Read more ›