Whether you sew or not, fabric crafts are a favorite creative pastime for many crafters. There are so many inexpensive sources of fabric, too- the remnants bin at a fabric shop, the linens rack at a thrift store, or even old clothing from your very own closet. So, if you’re looking for some new crafty inspiration, then this collection of upcycled fabric crafts will have you reimagining all your scraps and yardage into unique and clever projects.
Braided Fabric Bracelets
Why should kids and teens have all the fun with friendship bracelets? These chic and romantic versions are made from vintage handkerchiefs– but any lightweight fabric with a delicate print would be perfect. Plus, they’re super easy to create- which comes in handy if you want to make them for a bunch of your friends.
Fabric Crafts for Wall Decor
Plain picture frames from the thrift store are easy to leave behind. But with a quick paint job and some vintage sewing patterns, they’re now wall-ready decor for a sewing or craft room. Even the background fabric (vintage bed sheets) and old sewing pattern envelopes came from thrift stores, too.
Fabric Sun Catchers
A big picture window can be dangerous and deadly for your outdoor feathered friends. But a few of these shatterproof sun catchers (made from vintage scarves) is a great way to break up the reflection AND they look fabulous at the same time.
Gotta love all these fabric crafts that don’t require sewing experience, right?
Hidden Pin Cushion
Any avid sewist will adore this handmade gift idea! A hidden pin cushion in a vintage teapot is a darling idea, especially in a home filled with curious kids or pets. The pin cushion itself is covered in vintage fabric (tea towel, embroidery, or floral sheet) for added charm. Plus, you can add a few small sewing notions to the teapot as well.
Fabric Crafts with Recyclables
Here’s a fun fabric craft that coincides nicely with Earth Day because it started in the recycle bin. Large soup or tomato cans are ideal for upcycling into boho planters like these. And the fabric involved? Decorative trim and borders salvaged from old Indian sari dresses- isn’t that amazing?
Decorative Sailboats
Decorative sailboats are a delightful touch of nautical decor for your home throughout summer and even year-round. You can make them with a variety of items, so long as the wooden part can pass as a boat shape. And the sails use ticking fabric or duck cloth- keep an eye on those remnant bins to find great deals.
Magnetic Memo Board
An old cookie sheet that’s gotten stained and rusty might end up in your trash bin. But you can upcycle it into a magnetic memo board like this, thanks to one of my favorite non-sewing fabric crafts: decoupage! You could use it in the kitchen or home office, or even for a child playing with magnetic letters, etc.
Fabric Crafts as DIY Gifts
Lavender sachets are the perfect “thank you” gift to give neighbors, colleagues, teachers, and friends. Plus, one only needs some basic sewing skills to make them. This version was made with a vintage French country look in mind, but just about any style of fabric would work.
Bandana Pumpkins
One of the most popular fabric crafts during Fall and Autumn is making plush pumpkins. And while any fabric would do, black and orange bandanas are a particular favorite of mine. But I’ve got to warn you- these are addicting to make and you may just end up with an entire bushel of them…
Boho Serving Trays
Whether you use them inside or out, trays are a great source of decorating inspiration. And a bohemian makeover with splashy paint colors and vibrant fabrics is a great way to give a stuffy silver-plated tray a more exciting boho vibe.
Fabric Crafts to Wear
These pretty flower pins are a wonderful scrap-busting sewing project that are ideal for your smallest pieces of material. Using scraps of pretty fabric (vintage flour sacks, for instance), they come together in no time at all. And they add such a fun pop of whimsy to your sweater, jacket, tote bag, or hat.
Fabric Face Masks, Reimagined
Some of the fabric face masks I purchased a few years ago were never comfortable enough to wear. But, gosh they were pretty! So, I reimagined them as patches (and other in other fabric crafts) and it was such a fresh way to upcycle something with such bad memories attached to it.
Tweed Jacket Pins
Making a statement pin for your jacket or coat like this requires three things: a wood medallion, feathers, and a tweed sport coat! Such a perfect craft for a tweed blazer that the moths have gotten to, right?
Shower Curtain from a Vintage Bed Sheet
A pretty vintage bed sheet from the thrift store is the perfect thing to repurpose as this DIY shower curtain. And while you’ll still need a plastic liner as well, it’s a remarkably easy sewing project that also allows you to practice your buttonhole-making skills, too.
Aromatherapy Eye Pillows
Headaches and migraines are no fun at all. And while these won’t cure the pain, lavender eye pillows made from silky scarves might just ease the suffering a bit. Who knew fabric crafts and self care could work so well together?
Upcycled Ring Holder
Any old box can be upcycled into a ring box with this upcycle idea. And pretty fabric from a floral bed sheet is a great way to cover up the cushions used to carefully store and project your prettiest rings.
Bandana Bowl Covers
Save the plastic wrap and foil for leftovers in your fridge and use festive fabric covers to keep the bugs out at BBQs! These reusable bowl covers are easy to sew and use clean bandanas for an extra Americana touch for your July 4th festivities.
Embroidering on Vintage Linens
Usually embroidery projects involve the use of embroidery hoops. But in this case, picture frames were used to hold the fabric in place during the embroidering process. And when they’re done, they’re ready to hang on the wall immediately, almost like wrapped canvas prints.
Fabric Crafts for Readers
This upcycle idea is ideal for tea towels and dresser scarves that have become tattered or torn. The best parts are salvaged and turned into these DIY bookmarks which are a page pocket, of sorts. Such a sweet way to save lovely handiwork into a project to keep or give as a gift.
Fabric Crafts with Flannel
When it comes to fabric crafts, I would be remiss (obviously) if I didn’t mention my book, “Crafting with Flannel”. It contains 55 project tutorials for different projects, all of which use flannel. And no, not all of them involve sewing- as this flannel-lined tray exemplifies.
Fabric Crafts that are Upcycled and Easy to Make

Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.
Whether you sew or not, I hope you’ve found some creative inspiration here for fabric crafts in your future. There are lots of ways to upcycle different types of fabric in fun and easy ways. Sometimes all you need is the right idea to light the spark! And, of course, finding the right fabric (from the thrift store or your own stash) is half the fun, too.
Craft on!
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Image credit: Sadie Seasongoods.
Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.
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