When I first spotted this house shaped picture frame at Goodwill, it had been casually left in a basket of scarves and belts, as if the originally buyer had changed their mind. And as soon as I saw it, I thought, “Oh, look- a haunted house picture frame!”. But upon further inspection, I realized it was just in the shape of a Victorian house.
Haunted House Decor from a House Shaped Picture Frame

Categorized: Create, Halloween · Tagged: DIY Halloween, DIY halloween decor, DIY haunted house, easy Halloween craft, easy Halloween decor, easy Halloween project, Halloween, Halloween craft, Halloween craft project, halloween decor, Halloween decoration, Halloween DIY, Halloween DIY project, Halloween house, Halloween project, Halloween repurpose, Halloween upcycle, haunted house, picture frame repurpose, picture frame upcycle, repurpose picture frame, upcycle picture frame
Halloween Cookie Jar

There I was in Goodwill (how typical of me), casually strolling through the housewares. I wasn’t hunting for anything in particular, when I came across this house shaped cookie jar. It was chipped and cracked, so I knew it was primed for a makeover. But not just any makeover- a Halloween makeover! With a little paint and some creativity, I could transform it into a Halloween cookie jar! Read more ›
Categorized: Create, Halloween · Tagged: air dry clay, cookie jar, DIY Halloween, DIY halloween decor, DIY haunted house, easy Halloween craft, Halloween, Halloween craft, Halloween craft project, halloween decor, Halloween DIY, Halloween DIY project, Halloween ideas, Halloween project, Halloween repurpose, Halloween upcycle, haunted house, haunted house repurpose, upcycle Halloween