Let’s face it- wine corks have a way of adding up! But throwing them away seems wasteful, so we all end up with an overflowing bag of corks. Here are some ideas and wine cork crafts that may inspire you to reuse them in crafty and creative ways.
Cardboard Crafts and Project Ideas

Cardboard- boxes, tubes, and otherwise- is one of those things that can really add up in the recycle bin. Or, in the case of boxes, be hard to get rid of “because it’s a really good box”, leading to box hoarding! But there’s a third option to consider- cardboard crafts because it’s such a fantastic canvas for any number of upcycle ideas and craft projects. Here are some inventive ways to repurpose cardboard in creative and functional ways.Read more ›
Recycling Ideas and Crafts for Earth Day

Let’s be honest- a lot of “recycled crafts” that use items from the trash can or recycle bin are geared toward kids. And while that’s perfectly fine, of course, I prefer recycling ideas and crafts that are more appealing to adults. Especially if they turn out beautifully enough to display at home. So, in honor of Earth Day this year, I thought I’d collect my favorite recycling ideas and Earth Day crafts that don’t look like they started as waste.Read more ›
Recycled Crafts from Stuff You’d Normally Toss

The recycle bin and trash can are receptacles that fill up with any number of things. Some of it is proper waste, of course, but you may be tossing things into these bins that could be crafted with. From wine corks to cardboard tubes, there are loads of recycled crafts and project ideas for items destined for these bins. Instead of tossing them out, however, perhaps one of these creative ideas will grab your attention and have you retrieving them from the bins.Read more ›
Craft Projects from the Recycling Bin

The recycling bin is an excellent source of relatively free craft supplies. Whether you are tossing out a food container or yesterday’s newspaper, the bin is full of creative possibilities. Many people may also be surprised at how many “recyclable” items aren’t accepted by their local curbside pickup. Municipalities and counties often have strict policies on what can go in their recycling bins.Read more ›