Our guest bathroom is a cute little room, but without a window, is only illuminated by artificial light. As a result- and I’m not sure why I never noticed this before- our existing shower curtain was doing nothing to brighten the room. But instead of running out to the store for a new one, I decided to upcycle one of my vintage sheets into a floral shower curtain.Read more ›
Fabric Bracelets from a Vintage Sheet

As a general rule, bangles don’t usually fit me very well. My wrists are, quite literally, the only dainty part of my body. Which means, the average bangle bracelet just won’t stay on. I took a chance and tried on these plastic bangles from the thrift store and was blown away at how well they fit! I didn’t care much for their appearance, but I knew I could transform them into fabric bracelets that would look more my style.Read more ›