I’ve confessed my love of accessories to you before, particularly with scarves and vintage costume jewelry. But I am ALSO a lover of hats…especially during the humid southern summers! So, while I’ve made plenty of accessory organizers over the years (as well as other kinds of organizers), I was clearly overdue to make a DIY hat stand for my collection of Trilby hats.Read more ›
Ribbon Organizer from a Wooden Candelabra

How many times have I found something interesting at a thrift store…brought it home…repurposed it for my blog…and then realized I didn’t know what to call it? I’ll answer that for you- LOTS AND LOTS OF TIMES. And so we have this thrift store find: a wooden candle stand or perhaps a wooden candelabra. Regardless of proper name, though, I knew right away I wanted it to become a ribbon organizer.Read more ›