Framed Coastal Wall Art on Sandpaper

Framed Coastal Wall Art on Sandpaper

Not too long ago, I found a wonderful treasure at a Habitat ReStore: a framed Navajo sandpainting. It was such a special and unusual find, but the sandy texture sparked a most peculiar idea. Could I create something beachy with a similar texture? Some framed coastal wall art, perhaps…Read more ›

Pirate Sign as Nautical Wall Decor

Pirate Sign as Nautical Wall Decor

I always have to check out the selection of cabinet doors whenever I’m in a Habitat ReStore. I can typically resist grabbing anything from the pile of usually-plain doors. But on this particular day, there was a bevy of intriguing blue and white doors for the taking. They had a very nautical look and I decided to transform one into a pirate sign to use as nautical wall decor.Read more ›

Coastal Wall Art from a Thrift Store Book

Coastal Wall Art from a Thrift Store Book

Vintage books- particularly encyclopedias, field guides, and atlases- have the best graphics and color plates. And as much as I hate removing pages from books, these glorious graphics otherwise stay hidden away. So, when I found this relatively plain collage frame, I decided to transform it into some coastal wall art. With the help of a thrifted nature atlas, as well.Read more ›