There are lots of DIY projects that require you to spend time outdoors. Woodworking, gardening, and painting furniture involve plenty of time outside or in garages and workshops. While this is enjoyable during mild weather, it’s less appealing during the cold weather months. Thankfully, you can do plenty of craft ideas and projects in the comfort of your home, no matter the weather.Read more ›
Upcycled Projects as Boredom Busters

As winter drags on, boredom can easily set in. You’ve read the books, you’ve watched the shows, and you’ve played the games- now what? Simple upcycle crafts are a great way to disrupt the cycle of screen time- and perhaps these projects will be the boredom busters you’ve been looking for.Read more ›
Concrete Craft Ideas

Using concrete as a craft supply sounds far more intimidating than it is. With the right setup at home and a few basic supplies, making concrete crafts to use as home decor is easier and far more doable than you may think.Read more ›
Mindful Craft Ideas for Relaxation

Engaging in relaxing crafts can be an excellent way to unwind, relieve stress, and express creativity. Creativity and craft ideas for relaxation allow you to express yourself artistically, stimulate your imagination, and encourage you to think outside the box.Read more ›
Crafts to Make When It’s Hot Outside (or Bitterly Cold!)

The entire Thrift Store Decor Team has been bemoaning the same thing recently- “It’s too hot outside to work on projects!”. In fact, you may have noticed that the last few projects that I’ve posted on the blog required very little (if any) time outdoors. And we thought our friends and readers might ALSO be looking for craft ideas that can be done inside at this time of year.Read more ›