Once upon a time, we had a hanging bird bath that I absolutely loved. BUT, it was plastic and impossible to clean properly. Needless to say, it didn’t come with us when we moved! Replacing it has been on my upcycling to-do list for quite some time, and I finally set my mind to making a DIY hanging bird bath. And my plan was to use a glass lid from the thrift store.Read more ›
DIY Hanging Bird Bath

Categorized: Create, Yard & Garden · Tagged: bird, bird bath, bird bath project, bird craft, bird DIY, bird project, bird repurpose, bird upcycle, birdbath, dish lid, DIY bird, DIY bird bath, DIY birdbath, DIY yard, garden craft, garden project, glass bird bath, wildlife habitat yard, yard, yard craft, yard DIY, yard project, yard repurpose, yard upcycle