When it comes to thrift stores, there’s no shortage of cookware and bakeware options on the shelves. Pots, pans, lids, and more- there’s always an endless array of items that had once been used in the kitchen. But if you aren’t interested in cooking or baking with them, have no fear- for there are a ton of ways to upcycle those cookie sheets and frying pans. Here are some fantastic repurposed projects to get you thinking outside the box- or, at least outside the kitchen.Read more ›
Platform Bird Feeder from Repurposed Pot Lids

On a trip to Nashville, TN, I squeezed in a little time to check out the local thrift stores on my way into town. I happened upon a Goodwill in Lebanon, TN where I found a mismatched pair of pot lids. I loved the colors and the metal was in good shape, so I bought them both to build a platform bird feeder for my backyard.
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