Empty wine bottles can really add up and take up space in your recycling bin. And sometimes, they’re such a pretty color or shape that you can’t bear the thought of tossing them at all! If that’s the case, then some of these wine bottle crafts might be exactly what you were looking for.Read more ›
Creative Ideas for Painted Wine Bottles

As glass recycling disappears across the country, wine and other glass bottles end up in the trash instead. And it’s such a terrible feeling to throw out something that can be easily recycled- or repurposed, craft-wise. So, whether you’re in that predicament or not and simply want some inspiration for painted wine bottles, then you’ve come to the right place. These glass bottle crafts will definitely have you thinking about new ways to reuse all the bottles and jars that end up in your bins, that’s for sure.Read more ›
30+ Wine Crafts and Projects for Wine Drinkers

Love it or hate it, wine is a VERY popular drink of choice for many of us. And if you also happen to be a crafter AND a wine drinker? Even better. Between wine cork projects and wine bottle crafts, there are all kinds of wine crafts out there.Read more ›
Demijohn Vase from an Empty Wine Bottle

Since my county no longer recycles glass, the last thing I planned on buying from the thrift store was an empty wine bottle. But this particular glass bottle was an unusual shape and seemed ideal for upcycling. It made me think of a demijohn bottle that you might see French country decor. So, repurposing it into a demijohn vase seemed like its decorative destiny.
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