When it comes to thrifting, I’m usually like a heat-seeking missile when it comes to anything made of wood. But that means that I sometimes miss out on other upcycling opportunities. And when I spotted a ton of silverplate pieces while at Habitat ReStore recently, I decided to grab something from the pile. We’d recently acquired a new patio set from a friend of mine and I thought I could make an outdoor serving tray to use with it.Read more ›
Driftwood Wreath for Coastal Decor this Summer

Up until 2009, I’d always lived near a shoreline- half my life along the shores of Lake Michigan, and half my life bouncing between the Gulf and the Atlantic in Florida. My fondest beach memories are those of the windswept, deserted beaches in Southwest Michigan that were filled with beach glass and pieces of driftwood. And to celebrate those memories, I decided to make a driftwood wreath for our front door this summer.