Decorating with Hobnail Milk Glass for Easter

Decorating with Hobnail Milk Glass for Easter

Hobnail milk glass is one of those things that you can actually find in thrift stores from time to time. Some people collect it, but plenty do not…and while I don’t snap up every piece I see, I couldn’t help myself with this oblong dish that I recently found.

Hobnail milk glass at thrift store for upcycling into vintage Easter decor

It was a fun and unusual shape (one I hadn’t seen before in hobnail milk glass), but the best part was the label that someone had put on the top…

Antique milk glass to be used as Easter decoration ideas

Unmarked white textured dish! I’m pretty sure I guffawed out loud

As it turns out, that white label indicated that this piece had been up for auction on Goodwill’s website. The fact that it ended up on a Goodwill shelf meant that it hadn’t been sold online.

Gee whiz, maybe because of that description??

So, now I had to save this “unmarked white textured dish”, right? And since I already had another piece of antique milk glass, I decided to figure out a way to create a non-permanent project for them. 

Easter decoration ideas with milk glass dishes from the thrift store

And that project was an Easter decor idea that would take only a few minutes to complete!

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Easter Decoration Ideas with Hobnail Milk Glass

I meant it when I said that this Easter decor idea was going to take just a few minutes. AND it would be non-permanent, so that I could use the milk glass dishes throughout the entire year.

First, I started off with a plastic grass mat from a craft store (I got mine at Michaels) and my heavy duty crafting scissors.

Plastic grass mat from a craft store to put inside the hobnail milk glass

From there, I simply cut out pieces of the plastic grass mat that fit comfortably inside the milk glass dishes!

The oblong dish was easy- one thin strip of grass fit it perfectly. But the compote required a little more creativity with smaller pieces to fill in the gaps.

But either way, it took just a few minutes to cut and fill each piece of hobnail milk glass with the plastic grass.

Cutting a plastic grass mat to fit inside the milk glass dishes as Easter decor ideas

And you know what? I kind of like how that looks just as it is- the fresh and bright green against the hobnail milk glass. Just like this would be nice for Spring decor, even summer decor, too!

But since this is for Easter decorations, I just needed one more thing: Speckled eggs!

Speckled eggs to go on the plastic grass mat in the hobnail milk glass

I could have gone for more neutral colors, but for this Easter decor idea, I preferred bright pops of color.

So, I began placing the speckled eggs in the plastic grass mat. I nestled them as much as I could, but didn’t use any glue to hold them in place.

Speckled eggs on a plastic grass mat as Easter decoration ideas in milk glass dishes

And that was it! In just a few minutes, I had upcycled the hobnail milk glass into Easter decor for a table or centerpiece. And all I used was a plastic grass mat and some speckled eggs.

How to decorate with milk glass dishes

Decorating with Hobnail Milk Glass for Easter

It really doesn’t get any easier than this, does it?

Hobnail milk glass as Easter decor

I truly do love any upcycling project that is non-permanent. 

Easter decor with milk glass dishes

Not only can I take it all apart easily and store it until the following year, but I can still use the hobnail milk glass for other home decor ideas! Like my winter hutch display.

Winter decorating ideas from the thrift store

Now, of course you could grow wheat grass or something similar in your hobnail milk glass. But that would be a lot more work and your antique milk glass would be dedicated planters after that.

The question is, though- will I be able to pass up the next piece of hobnail milk glass that I find on my thrifting adventures? That remains to be seen!

I’m also excited to announce that my first book is now available! If you love crafting with fabric, especially flannel, then you will love my book, “Crafting with Flannel”!

Craft book for flannel shirts

And if you enjoyed this upcycling idea, then you might also enjoy my Easter wreath made from a door basket project!

easter door decorations with an easter basket wreath

Craft on!


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Sarah Ramberg is the owner of Sadie Seasongoods, a website that celebrates all things secondhand. From upcycling ideas and thrifted decor to vintage-centric travel itineraries, Sadie Seasongoods is a one-stop shop for anyone who loves thrifting and approachable repurposing ideas. Sarah is also the author of “Crafting with Flannel” and has been featured in numerous media outlets and magazines.


  1. Super cute idea, I have a square milk glass footed bowl that would do nicely for a project like this.

  2. kathybeemer says

    Never thought about using milk glass like this. I think I have an old piece around here somewhere. I’m going on a hunt………..

  3. Patty Soriano says

    No, do NOT pass the Hobnail Milk Glass, do NOT collect $200. 🙂

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Hee-hee, I’ve passed up regular milk glass before (or the kind with grapes on it), but I’m definitely a sucker for the hobnail!!!

  4. Those are so cute!

  5. This is such a cute project. It would make a great centerpiece. I didn’t even know fake grass in sheets was a thing! My cats would gnaw on real grass if I used it!!! Heck, they might even nibble on the fake stuff, too! I love the shapes of the “unmarked white textured dish”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that.

    And, don’t you just hate that Goodwill auctions off the “good” stuff? I don’t think that’s fair, and I’ll bet that the people who donate those items don’t know it. I don’t appreciate many of Goodwill’s practices, so I boycott the place. I also boycott Salvation Army for their intolerance of the LGBT community. In my community, we have a thrift store that helps people in the community, so I shop there and the surrounding ReStores. There is also a chain of thrift stores in our area called Hope Chest, and they serve women and children who are or have been victims of domestic violence. Apparently, they give temporary housing and other services to help them straighten out their lives so they can go on.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      That’s what I opted for the faux grass, too- Cottonball would have had a field day with the real thing! And yes, I completely understand what you’re saying- I avoid certain thrifts, if possible, based on social positions. But I remind myself that secondhand shopping is still better for the planet overall than big box store shopping! If I could source everything I needed from animal welfare and domestic violence shops, though, I would in a heartbeat! That’s one of my favorite things to do for my Junkin’ Journeys…scout out thrifts that benefit charities that are either near and dear to my heart or make me smile (even if it’s a cause I wouldn’t have otherwise thought of)!

      • Yes, you’re right about helping to make sure things are not hitting the landfill. Luckily, I usually don’t have to make the decision. There are no Goodwills or Salvation Armies close to me, so almost by default, I don’t even have the opportunity to shop there. I think my needs are shrinking, too. I went to my favorite thrift stores, and Katie was talked into buying a stuff bear. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have purchased anything. I went to the ReStore yesterday, and came away with nothing. What is the world coming to???

    • amberlyonferguson2017 says

      Hello! I have featured this adorable post tonight in my highlights from the Spring and Easter Joys Link Party. Thanks for linking up!

  6. The only thing I would add to your creations is a bunny, probably plush, looking like he is “picking” the eggs! Maybe a basket over his arm. Great idea and I love how it is not permanent and doesn’t mar a vintage item! I’d love to build a tower of vintage glass bulbs in the footed bowl for Christmas! Or heap it with wrapped candies like peppermints or foiled chocolates.

    If Goodwill had labeled that oblong dish as “Fenton hobnail planter,” they might have had a few takers! I sincerely hoard milk glass (the solid white, the “skim milk” stuff, not so much). I don’t know why it calls to me, but it does. It never ceases to amaze me how GW prices stuff. Dollar Tree items with their sticker still on the bottom will be $3, while some treasures go unrecognized. Yesterday, I got 2 Wedgwood dinner plates for $2 each. AND one of my Depression era marigold carnival glass dinner grill plates for $4 (right color tag)! My bestest GW find so far was a Royal Doulton Tobey mug/pitcher for 2.49. Granted it was an ugly character, but still! Their loss is a vintage lover’s gain!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      A bunny would have been too busy for me on these. Besides, I might have a project coming up with a bunny and I don’t want to be repetitive.

  7. I love the hobnail milk glass. I have a few pieces that I use on occasion. The grass and eggs look so sweet against the white. This is perfect for Easter!

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thank you! I was worried that it was tooooo simple, like it was a cop-out post. But I couldn’t agree more, it all comes together so sweetly so I made it a post anyway! 🙂

  8. mary scott says

    It’s one of the cutest DIY designs for Easter I’ve seen, & I’ve seen a lot! So clever to use the grass in that way. My cats would attack that & the eggs would be out of there. I would have to park it where they couldn’t reach it. thanks

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Haha, I totally understand that problem, Mary! I’ve successfully kept these hidden from our Cottonball, who would LOVE to dig into these and toss the eggs about.

  9. Naomi Shelton says

    I was going to say that I would like these pretty grass-filled pieces of milk glass a little better with some yellow chicks added to the eggs. But, like the bunnies…too many minutes to complete, right?
    That’s okay, it leaves room for us to use our imagination!

  10. I scored that same hobnail planter from an estate sale for 50 cents because it was filled with hideous fake flowers. The lady asked if I really wanted it! It still had the Fenton sticker on it.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Jackpot!!! And other gal just mentioned that she saw the same one at an antiques shop marked $30. :O

  11. mary scott says

    I was in an antique mall today, & a dealer had the oblong planter marked $30 in her booth. I had never seen one like this before your post.

  12. girlfromwva says

    looks very nice. i love interesting glass and displays.

  13. I absolutely love it! Such a cute and fast way to decorate for Spring or Easter! Off to the thrift store I go.

  14. I love, love, love this fabulous idea. So creative, so gorgeous. Thank you! It’s hard to post, because there is a thick black line that cover the post. If I try and guess where the post located, it will leave the page I am on.

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Thanks, Ivory- I’m not sure I follow, though. There’s a thick black line in the middle of my post?

  15. Great idea!Beautiful milk glass and lovely colors!Hugs!

  16. where do you buy this grass

  17. Paula Milligan says

    Cute idea-I’ve collected several pieces of milk glass & use it for baby shower candy bar-perfect with baby pastels. I am getting it out for Easter too!

  18. What a cute yet simple project for Easter! The green grass with the pops of color with the eggs look so pretty up against the white.

  19. Dee | Grammy's Grid says

    The decor looks so pretty! My grandmother gave me all of her Fenton hobnail milk glass. She had it in her house back in the 60s when I was a child.

  20. Where did you find the little eggs? I can only find large ones

    • Sadie Seasongoods says

      Hi, Tori! If memory serves (this is a project from several years ago), I found the dainty eggs at AC Moore, which, alas, has gone belly up. But I swear I’ve seen them at Michaels at this time of year before!

  21. Carolyn S Buckhorn says

    Sadie, you did it again. I absolutely love your awesome ideas.


  1. […] Milk Glass Easter Centerpieces from Sadie Seasongoods […]

  2. […] Beautiful Easter centerpiece made with hobnail milk glass via Sadie Seasongoods. […]

  3. […] 1. 5 Minute Hobnail Milk Glass Easter Decor […]

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