This, my friends, is a non-thrift store craft project, which I rarely ever do. But I have a very good reason for it. You see, I’ve partnered up with Upcycle Arts, the Creative Reuse organization here in Charlotte, NC. They happened to have a huge stockpile of donated clothespins and asked me to create a project with them. And with Christmas looming ahead, I decided to make some wooden snowflake ornaments with them.Read more ›
DIY Clipboard and Garage Wall Organizer

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a TERRIBLE habit of losing my gardening gloves. After some yard work, I’d come into the garage, rip off my gloves, and fling them wherever I could before going inside. It has led to countless trips to the hardware store to buy new gloves – wasteful in money, time, and well…gloves! So, it seemed high time that I create a DIY clipboard or a garage wall organizer that would be specifically dedicated to work gloves!