When people ask me how to start upcycling, I always go back to organizers and storage-type projects. Because a lot of things can organize and “hold” items, whether they were originally meant to or not. The bottom line is that the thrift store is FULL of potential organizers and holders; sometimes you just need the right project idea to see it.Read more ›
Small Closet Organization Ideas for a Clean and Clutter-Free Home

Few people are blessed with a large closet, much less a fancy walk-in one. Most of us have small closets that are utilized to store our possessions in our homes. With a small closet, it is often very challenging to keep it organized and clutter-free. It may seem like small closets won’t have enough space for all your stuff. However, we can use organizational storage solutions to help keep our closet organized and maximize its true storage potential.Read more ›
Closet Organizer for Accessories

One of the curses (or blessings) of falling into the “short and round” category of human shapes is our love of accessories. Scarves, bags, hats, and jewelry tend to be more fun than our clothing choices. So, when I spotted this wire rack (for towels?) at the thrift store, I decided it would be ideal as a closet organizer for some accessories.Read more ›
Easy Upcycling Ideas for House Storage and Organization

Getting your house organized and under control is always a good idea. But the weeks following the holiday hoopla is my favorite time to really focus on it. And, of course, I use all kinds of repurposed items to get organized. And I thought you, too, might be looking for some easy upcycling ideas for house storage and organization.Read more ›
Craft Paper Storage in a Vintage Photo Album

Craft paper storage for my vintage ephemera (i.e., old paper stuff like labels) was not high on my list of “priority projects”. But, I spotted a vintage photo album at the thrift store the other day, and, well, fate had another plan in mind. It just seemed ideal to be upcycled into a DIY paper organizer!
Industrial Side Table from VHS Storage

I can’t be 100% certain, as I’ve not visited EVERY thrift store across the globe. But I’m 99% certain that every thrift has VHS Storage or VHS tape drawers on their shelves. Cassette tape storage cases, too; they’re positively everywhere! So, I decided I needed to upcycle them into something COMPLETELY unexpected. My idea? An industrial side table that kinda-sorta looked like a metal card catalog.Read more ›
Baking Pan Storage in a Kitchen Caddy

Magazine holders are a pretty common sight at thrift stores, aren’t they? I’ve certainly seen my fair share of them, and have even repurposed a few of them before. Upcycling another one wasn’t a priority for me, but this particular one couldn’t be passed up. Large, sturdy, and ripe for a makeover, it seemed destined to become a kitchen caddy.Read more ›
Hardware Organizer from a Tupperware Veggie Tray

This upcycling idea has been rattling around in my head for nearly a year now, but up until recently, I wasn’t sure how to fully execute it. You see, I have coveted a hardware organizer for a while now. You know the kind I’m talking about, right? One of those spinning organizers for small parts or nuts and bolts that you would find in a General Store? Anyway, I couldn’t pull the trigger on an authentic one (too pricey) and I didn’t want to purchase a reproduction (like this one below). Read more ›
DIY Jewelry Hanger from a Kitchen Memo Board

Sometimes I am flush with project ideas, but then there are the scary droughts. And you guys, I was in a drought recently- all sorts of self-doubt crept in, my thrifting luck dried up, and I just needed to step back for a bit. But, thankfully I felt the gears in my head start to turn again when I stepped into a thrift store and found this kitchen memo board. I knew right away that it could be easily transformed into a DIY jewelry hanger, perfect for a teen or tween’s room, a dorm room, or any small space, like an apartment.Read more ›
Upcycling a Vintage Magazine Holder as Stencil Storage

One of my craft room organization conundrums is stencil storage: How to organize and store all my reusable stencils that accumulate over time? Finally, I had an upcycling idea (or maybe epiphany). What if I upcycled a vintage magazine holder into a file tote for stencil storage? Read more ›