When I spotted this round basket on the top shelf at a thrift store, I couldn’t grab it fast enough. It seemed like the perfect wall pocket to turn into a succulent hanger for our home. Which, in fact, was something I had been hoping to make.Read more ›
Succulent Hanger in a Wicker Wall Pocket

Categorized: Create · Tagged: artificial succulents, basket, boho, boho decor, boho wall decor, display succulents, Faux succulents, repurpose basket, succulent, upcycle basket
Vintage Condiment Caddy as Mini Succulent Pots

I recently went on a thrifting adventure in Spartanburg, SC- a town not too far from where I live (and where I was recently interviewed for their local paper!). And let me tell you, the thrifting angels were singing from above. I found future project after future project, driving home with a car load of fun finds. And one of those finds was a vintage condiment caddy.Read more ›
Categorized: Create · Tagged: decorating with succulents, display succulents, DIY farmhouse, DIY planter, farmhouse, farmhouse decor, farmhouse planter, farmhouse project, farmhouse repurpose, farmhouse style, farmhouse upcycle, planter, planter project, repurposed planter, succulent, succulent craft, succulent craft project, succulent DIY, succulent planter, succulent project, succulents, thrift store planter, upcycled planter, wooden planter