When I spotted this round basket on the top shelf at a thrift store, I couldn’t grab it fast enough. It seemed like the perfect wall pocket to turn into a succulent hanger for our home. Which, in fact, was something I had been hoping to make.Read more ›
Tailgating at Home with a Stadium-Inspired Snack Basket

This, my friends, is as much of an upcycling idea as it is a fun new announcement. I’ve partnered with a favorite thrift store, the Charlotte Region ReStore(s), to create a monthly project for them! And to kick off this new partnership, I created a stadium-inspired basket for tailgating at home!Read more ›
Outdoor Spring Decorations in a Garden Harvest Basket

For this month’s Thrift Store Decor Team project, I decided to make some outdoor Spring decorations. Mild weather is settling in nicely around here, and I wanted to celebrate that with a fun and easy project that would bring fresh color to the porch. I found a garden harvest basket at a thrift store and decided that I’d use it to celebrate Spring.Read more ›
Vintage Picnic Basket as Storage for Christmas Magazines

This, my friends, is what I like to call a “Post-Christmas Christmas Project”, if that makes any sense. It all started with this vintage picnic basket that I found on a thrift store shelf. I thought it had the cutest shape (like a small suitcase) and I chuckled over how dainty it seemed- compared to normal picnic baskets. It was, in fact, not much larger than a magazine (length- and width-wise, not depth-wise). And that’s when I decided it would be PERFECT for my endless collection of Christmas magazines.
Berry Baskets as Bookends and Strawberry Decor

To tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure why I picked up these berry baskets while thrifting a while back. I didn’t have a project idea in mind and the thrift store had written the price on the side of one of the baskets (the horror!). BUT, I decided they were worth the risk and eventually an upcycling idea came to me: I’d transform them into bookends!Read more ›
Fake Firecrackers from Cardboard Tubes

I’ll be perfectly honest- in the months leading up to summer, I struggled to come up with a single patriotic project idea. I bemoaned this to everyone- my husband, my friends, and my mom. But it all changed on a dime when I went to a new favorite thrift store and found this star basket for a dollar. I knew right away that I could jazz it up into Independence Day decorations with some fake firecrackers!Read more ›