During a trip to West Palm Beach, we stopped in a nautical salvage shop. I picked up a bunch of fun odds and ends, including this vintage cigar box. I had wanted a one for a while now so that I could upcycle it into a DIY ring holder, and this one seemed to be the perfect size and shape.
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DIY Ring Holder in a Vintage Cigar Box
January 20, 2015 · By · 26 Comments

Pin Holder from a Knife Stand and Balls of Twine
December 29, 2014 · By · 26 Comments

I’ve made a lot of jewelry organization projects in my time, but this is the only one specifically for brooches and pins. It’s a play off an idea I saw at an antiques store that used cotton string (straight from the hardware store) as a pin holder. And I knew right away I wanted to recreate my own version!