Once upon a time on my blog, I upcycled a cigar box into a ring holder for my dresser. But I didn’t touch the exterior; rather, I just worked inside the box. So, when I recently found a pair of wooden cigar boxes while thrifting, I decided to do the opposite. And give them a mid century makeover on the outside!Read more ›
Easy Upcycling Ideas for House Storage and Organization

Getting your house organized and under control is always a good idea. But the weeks following the holiday hoopla is my favorite time to really focus on it. And, of course, I use all kinds of repurposed items to get organized. And I thought you, too, might be looking for some easy upcycling ideas for house storage and organization.Read more ›
Craft Paper Storage in a Vintage Photo Album

Craft paper storage for my vintage ephemera (i.e., old paper stuff like labels) was not high on my list of “priority projects”. But, I spotted a vintage photo album at the thrift store the other day, and, well, fate had another plan in mind. It just seemed ideal to be upcycled into a DIY paper organizer!
Industrial Side Table from VHS Storage

I can’t be 100% certain, as I’ve not visited EVERY thrift store across the globe. But I’m 99% certain that every thrift has VHS Storage or VHS tape drawers on their shelves. Cassette tape storage cases, too; they’re positively everywhere! So, I decided I needed to upcycle them into something COMPLETELY unexpected. My idea? An industrial side table that kinda-sorta looked like a metal card catalog.Read more ›
Baking Pan Storage in a Kitchen Caddy

Magazine holders are a pretty common sight at thrift stores, aren’t they? I’ve certainly seen my fair share of them, and have even repurposed a few of them before. Upcycling another one wasn’t a priority for me, but this particular one couldn’t be passed up. Large, sturdy, and ripe for a makeover, it seemed destined to become a kitchen caddy.Read more ›
DIY Hall Tree from a Hanging Gun Rack

Ok, I know what you’re going to say- “But Sadie, you’ve already repurposed a gun rack before!”. And you’re right, I have…but what can I say? Another hanging gun rack crossed my path and I couldn’t resist! It was dusty and cheap, and all I could think was that it would be PERFECT as a DIY hall tree and entryway storage.Read more ›
DIY Ribbon Holder from a Countertop Wine Rack

I think we can all agree that my mind works in mysterious ways- sometimes it’s a great thing (when a project works out!) and sometimes it’s bothersome (when a project fails). But once again, there I was in a thrift store, looking at everything through Sadie-colored glasses. And one of the things I spotted was this countertop wine rack that was unexciting but full of potential. As I studied the small wine rack, my mind started to see it as a DIY ribbon holder. Read more ›
Pin Holder from a Knife Stand and Balls of Twine

I’ve made a lot of jewelry organization projects in my time, but this is the only one specifically for brooches and pins. It’s a play off an idea I saw at an antiques store that used cotton string (straight from the hardware store) as a pin holder. And I knew right away I wanted to recreate my own version!