Every now and then, I am so inspired by another blogger’s project idea that I can’t help but try a version of it myself. And I thought these spindle carrots were SO adorable as farmhouse Easter decor that I really wanted to make some myself. And when I found these vintage bobbins at a local thrift store, I knew right away that they were meant to become my version of decorative carrots.Read more ›
Weaving Bobbins as Spindle Ornaments

Because Greenville, SC (where I used to live) was historically a textile town, the relics of those old fabric mills are found in every vintage shop around. And repurposing those relics is a favorite pastime- including these weaving bobbins (Pirns? Quills? I’ve seen them called all sorts of things) that I found. Because they were on the smaller side, I decided to turn them into spindle ornaments for our Christmas tree!Read more ›