One year ago, I had gathered up the materials I’d need for this project. I had a couple of weaving shuttles and clear vision for transforming them into decorative sailboats. But right as I was getting started, an email appeared in my inbox.Read more ›
Candy Corn Decorations from Thread Cones

In my neck of the woods (the Carolinas), relics of old industrial textile mills are common at vintage stores and thrift shops. So, it’s no surprise that I run across these types of thread cones at one secondhand store after another. I’ve already repurposed some for a Christmas project, but this time, I decided to upcycle a few into candy corn decorations.Read more ›
Christmas Craft Project with Serger Thread Cones

If you live in or have traveled to the Carolinas, then you may know that this area has a long history in textiles. The mills still dot the landscape, with one in nearly every town. Some are dilapidated, some just empty, and some of have been converted into new commercial/residential use. Relics of that textile mill history (such as serger thread cones) are found in nearly every antique and thrift store in the region.Read more ›
Weaving Bobbins as Spindle Ornaments

Because Greenville, SC (where I used to live) was historically a textile town, the relics of those old fabric mills are found in every vintage shop around. And repurposing those relics is a favorite pastime- including these weaving bobbins (Pirns? Quills? I’ve seen them called all sorts of things) that I found. Because they were on the smaller side, I decided to turn them into spindle ornaments for our Christmas tree!Read more ›