While putting together a collection of Upcycled Fall Decor projects for a blog post, I ran across this oversized acorn decor project that I just fell in love with. It’s not my originally idea (important for me to point out), BUT I wanted to create my own version of acorn decorations. Of course, not just any fabric would do, though. I wanted to make them with a tweed sport coat.Read more ›
Acorn Decorations from Tweed Jackets

Categorized: Autumn, Create, Sewing · Tagged: acorn, acorn decor, autumn, autumn craft, autumn decor, autumn project, autumn repurpose, autumn upcycle, DIY Fall, fabric acorn, fall, fall craft, Fall decor, fall project, Fall repurpose, fall upcycle, repurpose salad bowl, repurpose tweed, repurpose tweed coat, salad bowls repurpose, salad bowls upcycle, tweed, upcycle salad bowl, upcycle tweed, vintage tweed, wood salad bowl, wooden salad bowl