One of the most common and well-stocked sections in thrift stores is the clothing department. As a society, we go through clothing at an untenable pace, mostly because it’s cheap and poorly made. And while we used to be able to dump it all at thrift stores, that convenience is rapidly changing due to current world events. With so many thrifts no longer accepting textile donations, I thought you might be looking for ideas for upcycling clothes.Read more ›
Acorn Decorations from Tweed Jackets

While putting together a collection of Upcycled Fall Decor projects for a blog post, I ran across this oversized acorn decor project that I just fell in love with. It’s not my originally idea (important for me to point out), BUT I wanted to create my own version of acorn decorations. Of course, not just any fabric would do, though. I wanted to make them with a tweed sport coat.Read more ›
Jacket Pins from Wood Medallions and Tweed

For two years now, I’ve had a bag of wood medallions for furniture (also known as wood medallion appliques) just sitting in my craft room. I purchased them at an architectural antiques store in Nashville, TN because they seemed PERFECT for a future project. At the time, I didn’t know what I’d do with them. Until I started envisioning them as jacket pins that I could wear…
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Wooden Coaster Set with Wool Tweed Fabric

Salvaged wood is something I love to work with when I find the right piece. I haven’t made loads of projects with it, simply because I tend to create smaller projects. But, I had an idea in my my mind for a wooden coaster set. I just needed to find the right salvaged wood to repurpose.Read more ›