A Calendar of Upcycled Wreaths

A Calendar of Upcycled Wreaths

Changing out the wreath on the front door as seasons change and holidays come and go is a fun and crafty way to mark time. And while traditional wreaths are lovely in their own right, door decor can be as quirky and clever as you like. If upcycled wreaths are more your style, then perhaps this collection will inspire you in the months to come.Read more ›

Painted Projects and Thrift Store Upcycles

Painted Projects and Thrift Store Upcycles

When it comes to upcycling, paint can be a miraculous tool, capable of unbelievable transformations. Of course, not everything needs to be painted- that goes without saying. But if you need some repurposing inspiration before your next trip to the thrift store, these painted projects might be just what you’ve been looking for.Read more ›

Upcycling Ideas for Accessories

Upcycling Ideas for Accessories

Accessories- things like bags, belts, shoes, and scarves- are an unlimited source of creativity when it comes to getting dressed and perfecting an outfit. But they are also an amazing source of upcycling potential, from creating new wearables to reusing them in unexpected and clever ways. Here are some great examples of how to upcycle accessories, either your own or thrifted finds.Read more ›

Craft Projects from Flannel Shirts

Craft Projects from Flannel Shirts

Flannel shirts are one of those types of clothing that lends itself beautifully to crafting after its wearing days are done. Whether it’s the fuzzy feel of the fabric or the (typically) plaid designs it sports, crafting with flannel shirts is very popular- especially as cold weather approaches.Read more ›

Wine Bottle Crafts

Wine Bottle Crafts

Empty wine bottles can really add up and take up space in your recycling bin. And sometimes, they’re such a pretty color or shape that you can’t bear the thought of tossing them at all! If that’s the case, then some of these wine bottle crafts might be exactly what you were looking for.Read more ›

Leather Crafting with Belts, Bags, and Scraps

Leather Crafting with Belts, Bags, and Scraps

Leather crafting is something I’ve played around with for many years now, in part because I hate the idea of any leather going to waste. Whether it’s a worn leather belt, a damaged leather bag, or scraps from an upholstery shop, I just want to see every last bit put to good use.Read more ›

Crafts to Make with Embroidery Hoops

Crafts to Make with Embroidery Hoops

Ahh, the embroidery hoop- often associated with cross stitch and other needlepoint crafts. But embroidery hoops have a TON of potential, many of which have nothing to do with a needle and thread. Here are some unique and fabulous upcycles you can make with embroidery hoops to get you inspired.Read more ›

Upcycled Christmas Craft Ideas

Upcycled Christmas Craft Ideas

The sales are starting, the lights are going up, and that can only mean one thing: Christmas is coming! And to celebrate this festive and glorious season, a few Christmas crafts are in order. And to keep everything thrifty and on budget, these Christmas craft ideas are all upcycled and repurposed.Read more ›

DIY Gift Ideas for a Handmade Holiday

DIY Gift Ideas for a Handmade Holiday

True, not everyone appreciates the thoughtfulness behind a handmade gift. But for those who do, it’s always nice to have a few DIY gift ideas to choose from at this time of year. That way, you can get started on those handmade presents early enough to gift them on time. Perhaps this collection of potential gift ideas will help you get ahead of the curve this holiday season.Read more ›

Christmas Craft Projects for a Festive Holiday Season

Christmas Craft Projects for a Festive Holiday Season

As the holidays loom in the not-so-distant future, it’s definitely time to start thinking about the Christmas craft projects you want to work on. We’ve all learned that hard lesson of waiting too long to start and then before you know it, time runs out. Thankfully, these festive repurposed crafts will definitely inspire you to rummage through a few drawers and closets and start crafting up a storm in no time.Read more ›