I can’t be 100% certain, as I’ve not visited EVERY thrift store across the globe. But I’m 99% certain that every thrift has VHS Storage or VHS tape drawers on their shelves. Cassette tape storage cases, too; they’re positively everywhere! So, I decided I needed to upcycle them into something COMPLETELY unexpected. My idea? An industrial side table that kinda-sorta looked like a metal card catalog.Read more ›
Hardware Organizer from a Tupperware Veggie Tray

This upcycling idea has been rattling around in my head for nearly a year now, but up until recently, I wasn’t sure how to fully execute it. You see, I have coveted a hardware organizer for a while now. You know the kind I’m talking about, right? One of those spinning organizers for small parts or nuts and bolts that you would find in a General Store? Anyway, I couldn’t pull the trigger on an authentic one (too pricey) and I didn’t want to purchase a reproduction (like this one below). Read more ›