There I was, on a thrifting adventure. I had walked around the store and didn’t find a single treasure for my cart. Don’t you hate it when that happens? Anyway, I hit the last corner of the store when my eyes spied some cane placemats. With Valentine’s Day decor on my mind, I was certain that a cross stitch heart would look darling on each one.
American Flag Cross Stitch on a Cane Side Table

This, my friends, is an absolute first for me, truly a case of trash to treasure. Or, as I like to say: “Junkernecking”! There we were, just getting started on a Saturday road trip. The sun was rising, the dew was fresh, and we were in search of treasures and fun and adventure. As we merged onto the road, I spied a cane side table on the side of the road. Read more ›
Christmas Cross Stitch on a Wooden Tennis Racket

I don’t know about you, but I just love all of the jumbo cross stitch project ideas scattered across the blogosphere. Whether it’s on a large peg board or on a cane back chair, they just look amazing; and I’ve wanted to try my hand at it for a while now. I wanted to get in on the fun but in my own unique way: with Christmas cross stitch on the head of a wooden tennis racket!Read more ›