Sometimes I go to the thrift store and come away empty-handed, bummed out, and treasure-less. But then there are those magical times when I walk in and immediately have a “near-craft experience”. And by that, I mean I spot a thrifty treasure and know what I plan to do with it…immediately! That’s what happened when I spotted this straw tote and knew it was destined to become a Halloween planter.
Dutch Wooden Clogs as Upcycled Planters

I’ve had a quiet fascination with all things Dutch for most of my life. Between the tulips and the windmills and summering near Holland, Michigan, I suppose it couldn’t be avoided. I also had my own pair of Dutch wooden clogs, and while I no longer have them, I still wanted to turn some into upcycled planters for our front porch.Read more ›
Enamel Colander as a Hanging Porch Planter

I don’t know about y’all, but I am a sucker for vintage kitchen goodies- utensils, hand towels, salt-and-pepper shakers, you name it! And when we bought our house last summer, the front porch had a hook in the ceiling, just begging for a hanging porch planter. It was the perfect place for me to try my hand at upcycling an enamel colander into a planter and front porch decor.
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