Pilgrim Hat Craft and Thanksgiving Place Cards

Pilgrim Hat Craft and Thanksgiving Place Cards

There I was, in one of the Charlotte Region Habitat ReStores, tinkering around the light fixture section. I mean, it’s not exactly a strange place to find me. BUT, imagine me picking up a light baffle and placing it atop my head for a split second. Because as soon as I saw a pile of them, I knew they’d be perfect for a pilgrim hat craft. Not to wear, mind you, but as Thanksgiving table decor.

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Autumn Leaf Dishes for Fall Decor

Autumn Leaf Dishes for Fall Decor

Since Fall is my favorite season, I am always drawn to anything Fall-related at thrift stores. Acorns, squirrels, pumpkins- you name it. So, it’s no surprise that these wooden leaves stopped me in my thrifting tracks. Of course I needed these autumn leaf dishes, and I knew exactly how I wanted to jazz them up.Read more ›

35+ Upcycling Ideas with a Thanksgiving Aesthetic

35+ Upcycling Ideas with a Thanksgiving Aesthetic

Even though I’ve assembled collections of upcycled Fall Decor projects in the past, I realized that I hadn’t done one for Thanksgiving ideas. Sure, there’s a lot of overlap, what with pumpkins and fall leaves. But getting that Thanksgiving aesthetic often means the inclusion of other symbols- turkeys, cornucopias, etc. So, I decided that another round-up of upcycling ideas was warranted!Read more ›

Vintage Brass as a Boho Candle Holder

Vintage Brass as a Boho Candle Holder

For years, I’d heard about a cleaning “hack” for vintage brass that didn’t seem possible. But I was finally able to give it a try when I found this brass cauldron at Goodwill. I wanted to upcycle it into a boho candle holder by polishing it up and adding a little pizazz to the handles- without a drop of paint in sight.Read more ›

Decorating a Tote Bag with Leather Leaves

Decorating a Tote Bag with Leather Leaves

If you’re familiar with my book, “Crafting with Flannel”, then you may have seen that I decorated a tote bag with a touch of flannel. Well, I wanted to do something similar this year with some leather scraps. My plan? To decorate a tote bag with leather leaves.Read more ›

Farmhouse Fall Wreath from a Wicker Plate Holder

Farmhouse Fall Wreath from a Wicker Plate Holder

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done something like this. And by “this”, I mean borrow concepts from two very different projects and combine them into a new project. Apparently, my creativity can be circular! Speaking of circular, that brings me to this pile of wicker plate holders that I found at a Charlotte Region ReStore. And how I used one to make a farmhouse fall wreath.

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Metal Pumpkins for Modern Fall Decor

Metal Pumpkins for Modern Fall Decor

Ok, so, there I was in the thrift store when I stumbled upon what I THOUGHT were metal pumpkins. But, upon further inspection, I might have been a little off. The first one, well…it might have been a pear…Read more ›

Blue Fall Decor with a Pumpkin Throw Pillow

Blue Fall Decor with a Pumpkin Throw Pillow

Back when I was writing my book, “Crafting with Flannel”, I thrifted several shirts that were pretty enough to photograph as-is for the book. One of them sported an assemblage of colors that made me think of Fall in a funky and alternative way. So, I set it aside for a year, mulling over several ideas, including a pumpkin throw pillow.Read more ›

Repurposing Projects for Old Technology

Repurposing Projects for Old Technology

Whether you realize it or not, thrift stores are full of old technology. And by old technology, I mean all sorts of things- old computer parts, VHS tapes, typewriter tables, and even photo albums. The relics of old technology are as discarded as the tech itself, which makes them ripe for repurposing projects, if you ask me!

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Upcycling Jewelry into Wine Glass Charms

Upcycling Jewelry into Wine Glass Charms

One of my very first blog posts was making these upcycled wine charms. At the time, I had been given some vintage Cracker Jack prizes that I repurposed for the blog post. But because it had been so long since I made them, I decided to make a new set of wine glass charms. And this time I’d do so by upcycling jewelry instead.Read more ›