Winter Snow Globes in Jelly Jar Light Fixtures

Winter Snow Globes in Jelly Jar Light Fixtures

Even though I’ve already made waterless snow globes before, I wanted to make a NEW version. You see, I found these jelly jar light fixtures at my Habitat ReStore and thought they’d be wonderfully upcycled into snow globes. But instead of making Christmas ones, I thought they’d be perfect for winter snow globes instead.Read more ›

Wooden Sled Decor for Winter Decorating

Wooden Sled Decor for Winter Decorating

When I spotted this decorative sled at Goodwill, the calendar read May and our southern summer was beginning to rear its ugly, sweaty head. I tossed it in my cart and filed it away as a Christmas project for later that year. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Christmas came and went, and the sled was still collecting dust in my garage. That’s when I decided to ditch the red and green for icy blue and silver, and to transform it as wooden sled decor for winter decorating!Read more ›

30+ Upcycling Ideas for Non-Christmas Winter Decorations

30+ Upcycling Ideas for Non-Christmas Winter Decorations

Decorating your home after Christmas can be a struggle. At first glance, a winter aesthetic seems barren and uninviting, which can seep into your home decor. But, I’m here to tell you that there are plenty of winter home decor ideas and non-Christmas winter decorations that are gorgeous and give you that cozy feeling of “hygge”.

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