Boho Pillow Covers from Upcycled Sweaters

Boho Pillow Covers from Upcycled Sweaters

If you read my book, “Crafting with Flannel”, then you know that I recommend thrifting for flannels during the warmer weather months. Well, the same goes for other cozy clothing, including sweaters! And after finding some colorful, patterned sweaters at Goodwill, I decided to make some Boho pillow covers with them.Read more ›

Clam Shell Bowl with Baking Soda Paint

Clam Shell Bowl with Baking Soda Paint

Have you noticed that large clam shells have gotten weirdly popular as home decor lately? They’re turning up everywhere! So, when I spotted this scalloped wooden bowl at Goodwill, I wondered if I could transform it into a clam shell bowl. AND I could try out baking soda paint, which is also trendy these days.Read more ›

Repurposing Ideas for Face Masks

Repurposing Ideas for Face Masks

While we’re not there yet, my hope is that in the near-ish future, we won’t need to wear face masks constantly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to wear them until we’re at comfortably safe place! But, if you’re anything like me, you’ll ultimately be left with a pile of masks and unsure what to do with them. So, I thought it might be fun to come up with a few repurposing ideas for a fabric face mask (which is the kind of I’ve been wearing for the past year).Read more ›

Seed Bombs for Earth Day

Seed Bombs for Earth Day

Have you ever re-repurposed something? In other words, you repurposed an item…and then decided to repurpose it again as something else. Well, to celebrate Earth Day this year, I decided to re-repurpose a small muffin pan that I had upcycled for the Charlotte Region ReStore(s)’ blog. And for its second project, I wanted to make some wildflower seed bombs.Read more ›

Mid Century Makeover on Wooden Cigar Boxes

Mid Century Makeover on Wooden Cigar Boxes

Once upon a time on my blog, I upcycled a cigar box into a ring holder for my dresser. But I didn’t touch the exterior; rather, I just worked inside the box. So, when I recently found a pair of wooden cigar boxes while thrifting, I decided to do the opposite. And give them a mid century makeover on the outside!Read more ›

Chive Blossoms from Sweet Gum Tree Balls

Chive Blossoms from Sweet Gum Tree Balls

Back in February, I created a nature craft project post for the Charlotte Region Habitat ReStore blog. As part of that post, I added some sweet gum tree balls to a glass vase that I’d thrifted from the ReStore. But even though it was a winter project, I couldn’t help but see the gum tree balls as something else entirely.Read more ›

150+ Upcycling Ideas for Garden Projects

150+ Upcycling Ideas for Garden Projects

It’s that time of year again, when those of us in the Northern Hemisphere start to feel the excitement of Spring. The days get longer, the yard gets more colorful, and all of a sudden, EVERYTHING YOU OWN starts looking like a planter. So, the Thrift Store Decor Team decided to pool all of our garden projects into a single collection of upcycling ideas for your yard, garden, and patio.Read more ›

Tabletop Greenhouse from a Floppy Disk Holder

Tabletop Greenhouse from a Floppy Disk Holder

Several years ago, I repurposed a muffin tin as a seedling tray and it worked beautifully. And while I could have done that again this year, I wanted to try out an experiment. You see, my friends at T4T Thrift Shop had sent me a floppy disk holder (a while ago!) to upcycle. As I mulled over different project possibilities, I kept coming back to the idea of transforming it into a tabletop greenhouse.Read more ›

Seed Storage Box from a Wooden Salt Box

Seed Storage Box from a Wooden Salt Box

I know I’m not the only one who flocks to all things “wood” at the thrift store. Shelves, boxes, cutting boards- they all lend themselves to upcycling. And this country-style vintage salt box was no exception. I didn’t care for its current look, but knew it would be easy to convert into a seed storage box that could also double as Spring decor.Read more ›

Recycled Paper Crafts for Vintage Ephemera

Recycled Paper Crafts for Vintage Ephemera

Paper is such a great craft supply, isn’t it? Easy to source with innumerable variations, it’s definitely an unsung hero in the world of DIY, even for upcyclers like me. I especially love vintage ephemera, such as old letters and vintage sewing patterns. And there are plenty of recycled paper crafts that use those and other paper bits, as well.Read more ›