When you find a wonderfully old, heavy cutting board at the thrift store, it’s hard to pass it up. But what if it’s SO well-loved that it borders on “gross”? Well, that’s what happened to me recently at Habitat ReStore. And I knew that cleaning this old cutting board would require some effort.Read more ›
Upcycling a Vintage Canteen with a Flannel Shirt

Even though my book is completely and utterly finished, I’m STILL thinking up ways to craft with flannel. And this project started when I spotted a vintage canteen that a vintage-selling friend had posted on her Instagram page.Read more ›
Camping Decor with Repurposed Picture Frames

The first time I posted a Hudson Bay Wool Blanket–inspired project, I thought of it solely as fall or winter decor. Those classic HBC blankets are made of wool, after all, right? But, a few of my readers commented that the stripes actually reminded them of summer camp. So, I decided to revisit the same idea to create some camping decor to use during the summer months.Read more ›
Lake House Decor from the Thrift Store

Welcome to the latest installment in my “Thrift the Look” series! As you might recall, this is a blog post where I take an inspiration photo from a magazine and recreate it as best I can using thrift store treasures and minimal DIY. And this time around, the style is Lake House Decor.Read more ›
Fabric Covered Books for Cozy Home Decor

I think it’s high time I create another flannel project, don’t you? The weather is finally feeling like Fall and I am craving all the cozy plaid. And today’s project also has a special twist: All of my project materials came from thrift stores that benefit an animal-based charity! And to get in a cozy frame of mind, I decided to create some fabric covered books with flannel shirts.
Brochure Stand and Mountain Cabin Decor

This magazine rack was a thrift store find that came home with me, even though I had no plan in mind. But it was heavy and sturdy (i.e., good quality) and seemed like it was a blank canvas for a future project. It finally dawned on me that it would be PERFECT as a brochure stand in a mountain cabin that my in-laws used to own.Read more ›
Antiquing and Thrift Store Shopping in Blue Ridge, GA

This, my friends, is a Junkin’ Journey long in the making. You see, we’ve been traveling to Blue Ridge, GA for the past 10 years…falling in love with the town and area a little bit more with each visit. It’s been a family destination for a long time and there are so many things to do in Blue Ridge. And one of them happens to be shopping in Blue Ridge, GA – specifically at antique malls, vintage shops, and thrift stores! Read more ›
Painting Hudson’s Bay Stripes on Plain White Dishes

A Hudson’s Bay Point Blanket with its iconic stripes was a mainstay in my childhood home. And while I don’t have that blanket anymore, I had a burning desire to recreate that same look. Upcycling thrift store pieces seemed like the easiest way to do so. Namely, I wondered if I could paint some plain white dishes with Hudson’s Bay stripes.
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Upcycling a Boat Oar as a Nautical Coat Rack

I’ve hinted at it on Facebook and here on the blog that I would start focusing on cabin-themed projects this year. My in-laws built a GORGEOUS cabin in the North Georgia mountains, which means I get to add a new facet to my blog! And I’m kicking off that trend with this boat oar or wood paddle that I recently acquired. It was the perfect size to upcycle into a nautical coat rack for the cabin. Read more ›
Vintage Snow Shoe as a Rustic Christmas Wreath

It’s hard to believe, but it was way back in March of this year when I spotted a vintage snow shoe on the wall of a local shop. Even though I was in full Spring mode at the time, I snapped it up with an idea for a rustic Christmas wreath in my mind.