I absolutely love coming up with new upcycling ideas and repurposed projects for Halloween decor. And this time, I was inspired by the one and only Harry Potter. I had found this vintage spice rack and wanted to transform it into a set of magic potion bottles. Read more ›
Creepy Candles for Halloween from Christmas Window Candles

Last year, I brought you a super simple, last minute Halloween project that took no time at all to create- remember these creepers? Well, I’m doing it again this year with a new super simple project. This time, some Christmas window candles will get a reboot as creepy Halloween candles.Read more ›
Halloween Figurines for Spooky Decor

When you go to a thrift store (or garage sale…or flea market), there are ALWAYS some figurines available. Whether they are ceramic, porcelain, clay, or other material, figurines are a secondhand shop staple. And as I was on my thrifting adventures over the past few months, I picked up a few along the way. I had a sneaking suspicion with just a little bit of paint, I could create Halloween figurines for some spooky decor.
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Alternative Trick or Treat Idea with a Candy Bowl Holder

Even though I have been trying oh-so-hard to work on projects from my garage stash, I still can’t help but swing by a thrift store now and then. Because, you just never know what you’ll find. And this sewing bucket was definitely calling my name. I had a crazy idea to upcycle it into a candy bowl holder for Halloween. Something that would allow me to welcome trick or treaters while maintaining a safe distance and no contact.Read more ›
Halloween Lantern from a Wooden Hurricane Lantern

Raise your hand if you had a candle lantern or wooden hurricane lantern like this one in your home? There was a similar one in mine- and in fact, I think my parents still have it! Either way, when I saw this one in a thrift store, I snapped it up for an upcycling idea I had. I wondered if I could repurpose it into a Halloween lantern for light up Halloween decor? Read more ›
Fabric Pumpkins from a Halloween Bandana

After making these vintage bandana bowl covers, I couldn’t stop myself from snapping up vintage bandanas wherever I went. Over the years, I’ve collected them in all the colors of the rainbow, including plenty in orange and black. So I decided they would be perfect for some fabric pumpkins for Halloween decor. Read more ›
Halloween Candy Basket

I developed this project by accident. I was in my local Goodwill with a specific project idea in mind, and headed to the shelf in Housewares where I thought I could find what I needed. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Goodwill had secretly moved things around and put their selection of baskets in that spot instead! And from that sea of beige, this little white basket all but jumped out at me! I couldn’t help but see it as a Halloween candy basket, so I snatched it up.
30+ Upcycling Projects and Halloween Craft Ideas

Upcycling and Halloween are a match made in DIY heaven. There are simply SO MANY THINGS that can be upcycled into Halloween ghosts or jack-o-lantern pumpkins…and that’s really only the beginning. Thrift store shelves, garage sales, and flea markets are ripe with upcycling projects and Halloween craft ideas.
Spooky Silhouettes as Halloween Window Decor

Vintage embroidery hoops are one of those things that you can almost always find in thrift stores. And I like them SO much better than modern-made hoops. But either way, they are the perfect thing to use for this upcycling idea for Halloween window decor. More specifically, I wanted to upcycle them into spooky silhouettes.